18 months of summer

18 months of summer

Our precious little man is 18 months today! What a whirlwind it has been. Of course time has flown by as it does when you’re having fun and also when you are sleep deprived, just trying to survive and super busy. Being a mom for me is truly the greatest experience despite any sleeplessness and stress.

Although he was born on a chilly day in January, he has warmed our hearts like a hot summer day. He is a pretty happy guy and charming to boot. He is running around now, chatting non stop, has 9 teeth including 3 molars, likes to give hugs and kisses, loves his “meow meows”, and much to my embarrassment enjoys yelling no to strangers on the street who say hi to him. He understands a few Spanish words if he hears them and has been saying “papito” and “mamita”. He loves trucks, buses, boats, airplanes, bikes and Elmo and especially his daddy who he now calls Papi.

For Alexandre’s 18 month photo shoot I wanted to do a cute summer theme and he loves watermelon so I thought that would be fun. He already had an adorable jumper with watermelons on it from Old Navy. We went to my moms place (Amma) and I sat him in the backyard with a huge piece of watermelon then just snapped away. He was quite happy sitting outside eating this big juicy watermelon slice. My goodness we all love him so much! He truly is our sunshine.

Babies and bubbles

Babies and bubbles

                             Gorgeous downtown Calgary maternity shoot

Gorgeous downtown Calgary maternity shoot