My son turned two on January 25th, and I remember thinking we had it easy because he was still such a little angel 99% of the time. As long as he went to bed at 7pm, had a good nap in the day and wasn’t hungry I rarely saw tantrums. Oh the naivety! Maybe it’s the age or perhaps it’s the quarantine, or a combination of both. He is incredibly smart, and right now deprived of his usual routine which involves going to the library, seeing his grandparents, going to dance class, and much more. Now everyday is sort of a roller coaster of him being so happy and sweet one minute and having a total meltdown the next, complete with a purple face, flinging arms and lots of tears. I spend lots of time googling “toddler behaviour”, and I’m pretty sure it’s all normal. He is growing by leaps and bounds, and testing the limits.
Little Loves Photography is a local business in Calgary Alberta, aiming to bring you unique and artistic photos of your precious family.