Little Loves Photography

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An artful morning: Living creatively during the pandemic

Not everyone enjoys the clouds but I find something so calming about a quiet overcast day. My son and I headed out to the yard Sunday morning, as the quarantine life indoors is really not ideal for a two year old. Our cat Mushroom came with us as well. She’s an indoor cat and was delighted to be outside, her face blissful as she smelled the fresh air as I held her in my arms. Then I decided to play with my camera while my son roamed the yard, using his imagination and having fun. He inspires me to try to do the same. The snow fell lightly, the birds chirped, little bunnies ran down the path behind the house, and we both heard a little animal scratching in the old Christmas tree I laid near the fence. Once we got cold we went inside and I made some yummy apple cake while listening to a podcast. I read some parts of the bible randomly while it cooked, then I decorated the table for our meal. We enjoyed good conversation, and Mushroom laid by the fire. My son drew on his little art easel in the kitchen and we all relaxed. After a spontaneous and creative morning, I started to think about what it means to live artfully. A lot of people have started to delve back into some creative pursuits now that we are all stuck indoors. I have seen people start to paint again or play music. I have started making jewelry again, drawing, cooking more at home, playing the piano and of course continuing to do my photography but not in the way I normally do.

What this has me contemplating is how we can incorporate more creativity into our day. During normal times most of us are too busy with work, family obligations, socializing and housework to find time for art. I am very type A in a lot of ways and sometimes this stands in my way of getting too creative or finding the time and patience to enjoy the creative side of life. The quarantine has made me think about all the creative occasions I miss during the day trying to get things done as quick as possible, checking off my to-do list and feeling this need to be super productive. As a stay at home mom and Photographer there is always laundry to do, meals to make, toys to clean up, photos to edit, places to go. Right now most of us have more time on our hands than usual, whether that be all day or just evenings and weekends, and it’s a great opportunity to shake things up creatively.

I thought it would be fun to challenge myself to get more creative during the day so I came up with a list of ideas. Aside from obvious things like painting and drawing here are some ways to add creativity and art to your day:

  • Spice things up a bit, cook a new recipe and make it your own by adding an ingredient you think would work well but isn’t in the recipe.

  • Decorate your kids food with a funny face

  • Dress up your pet and take pictures of them

  • Make a mini movie with your iPhone

  • Shop through your own house and look for old things you ignored and use them to decorate

  • Learn something new from an online class or Youtube for example how to hem your own pants or knit a scarf

  • Get outside and make a snowman or draw with chalk outside on the sidewalk

  • Make up your own crazy board game

  • Do your hair in a new style, or wear an outfit you wouldn’t dare if you had to go to the office

  • Turn your morning coffee into a piece of art with whipped cream and photograph it

  • Go through all your cell phone photos, pick the best ones and order a calendar for next year with them

  • Finger paint in the bathtub

  • Put up your Christmas lights somewhere in the house that is unusual so you can enjoy them in a different way

  • Make your own musical instruments out of odds and ends in your home

  • Make a funny hat out of pipe cleaner or whatever material you want

I’m sure there are hundreds more and I would love to hear your ideas too, what do you do to live more creatively?