Little Loves Photography

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How to get more out of a family photoshoot

There are many things you can do that will result in beautiful photos! Read on to find out.

1) Get your photos done close to sunrise or sunset.

This applies for outdoor photography only. I know it’s not always possible in the summer when the sun rises around 5am and set around 10pm, but even then I have done photo sessions at 9pm for those wanting that magic sunset in their photos.

Bright sun high in the sky is the ultimate enemy of a photo session. It causes shadows under the eyes or on the face, the sky will look white and washed out, the colours may look too bright. Even on a cloudy day these issues can still be present.

For fall photos I usually do the sessions around 930am, or 6pm. The sun can still be a bit bright at this time but it still has a warm and soft quality to it that is very flattering.

2) Wear the right clothing.

This one is highly personal as everyone’s style is unique. You want the photos to represent your family and years down the road you want to look at the photos and remember that time period. That’s why some people say to avoid trends and stick with timeless looks but isn’t looking back at your high school photos so great because it reminds you of that era?

You don’t have to change your style or wear something that doesn’t represent you and your family. But regardless of personality and style, wearing the more formal things in your closet, and colour coordinating everyone does give the session a more put together feel. You don’t have to wear suits or ball gowns, just avoid anything that looks like you could be shopping at Walmart.

Pick 2-3 colours and stick with those, staying away from really busy patterns, neon colours, logos, cartoons, sneakers. I always tell moms to pick their outfit first, then their husband, and then the children rather than the other way around.

3) Make sure kids are rested and fed.

I have had sessions that were not able to proceed, or were very long and complicated because a child was tired and unhappy. So for outdoor sessions, knowing kids usually get crankier after dinner time morning sessions are usually best.

For indoor baby or toddler sessions I will ask parents what time their child is happiest in the day. I know when my son was a baby he was happiest within 2 hours of waking, and right after naps. He would become very fussy around lunch time and dinner time. So know when your child is at their best, and let me know that way I can set it for for that time and chances are higher that we will get some great shots.

Making sure everyone has had a snack and/or nap helps you get the best photos of your little ones. I know some photographers who advise parents not to give their children sugar the day of the session. During the session only water is consumed if anyone is thirsty. This is probably a good idea to avoid sugar highs and kids that can’t sit still, or a sugar crash which will make anyone tired. Think of your turkey coma after thanksgiving dinner. It’s actually all the carbs and sugar that give us that feeling.

3) Be open and let the photographer do what they do best.

This one is tricky because I am always open to ideas my clients have for their session and I want them to be reflected in the photos. So don’t get me wrong I want to know what you want and I want to give that to you!

Once I know what you want then that’s when I come in as a photographer to make it happen. I know a few things about photography. After all I have spent every spare minute I have for the last 8 years working on it. I have learned from making mistakes, taking classes, doing hundreds of photo shoots, watching youtube videos, listening to podcasts. I have done all this so I know how to get you beautiful photos.

People who insist on controlling everything about the shoot ironically don’t get as nice photos as those who don’t. Those who insist at doing the shoot mid-day even after I explain the light will be too bright, insist on certain locations even though they may not be best for a photo shoot, or insist on having me replicate the photos of another photographer may not get the best result.

Here is an example of a session that had all the essential elements. The family was laid back about the location and open to ideas. The mama in these photos did a great job picking out her family’s outfit. Some luck came into play too as warm winds, and a moody sky in the background gave us some great light and atmosphere. Their little love had just napped so he was not fussy during the session.